願意今生約定,他生再擁抱..... Till that day comes
In his prized possession are many items that mean the world to her. He can't fathom why she's left them to him, but he knows for certain, she has her reason. And that is the inexplicable bond between them.
Like this song from one of the thousands of CDs that are now his, by one of his favourite singers. When they first shared their loves, he was surprised to learn that Leslie Cheung was one too, another one of the many ties that bind.
They love the chorus, beautiful words that, for some strange reason, have been resounding in his ears the past hour.
幻變的一生 默默期待一份愛
踏過多少彎 段段情路也失望
我不甘心說別離 仍舊渴望愛的傳奇
不捨不棄 無懼長夜空虛風中繼續追
* 風裡笑著風裡唱 感激天意碰著你
天也老 任海也老 唯望此愛愛未老
是你的雙手 靜靜燃亮這份愛
是你的聲音 夜夜陪伴我的夢
交出真心真的美 無盡每日每天想你
今生今世 寧願名利拋開瀟灑跟你飛
(重唱 *, *)
Again, thanks to the Youtube community, he found this:
OMG! IMHO you are one hopeless romantic! I cant help crying when I read your blog!
Xiu Mei: Sigh.
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