The countdown begins
These days, he finds solace by burying himself under deadlines, for it's the easiest method of numbing himself. Odd though, he'd never imagined he could miss someone this much; even his closest bud observed as much. And he'd know better, since their friendship began from the days of playing marbles and making girls cry.
He's no Don Juan, but he's had more than the average number of amorous adventures; and yea, he'd be arrogant enough to admit, women come easy. Save for his first love, when he was in his bumbling teenage years, he's never really been that serious in any relationship.
Not until he met Sparks.
Yet not many people would qualify what Sparks and he had shared as a "relationship", he knows that. Hell. These days, he seeks out stories with such a vengeance that his editor is beginning to think he's a loose cannon. In fact, two days ago, he sat MOTM down for a quick session.
"I'm not sure what really happened, but I gather you're going through some emotional phase now. Work is a good release, but it should never take precedence over your personal well-being..." was the big man's advice.
Funny how he'd never realised this "humane" aspect of his editor; but he appreciated the gesture. Good thing for him too, that the big man was aware of the crisis, else, as one of his colleagues said: "You'd be doomed! This is a critical period, your future's at stake, think 'promotion', think 'performance incentive'..." Yabady, yabady, he went on.
In a little over 24 hours, her friends will gather at the church for a service in her memory. There's been so much mayhem amidst the preparations; it's like it's her big day tomorrow. The irony of it all, it is her big day, in a way.
Someone in the group had remarked last night: "Shucks! How I wish all this was her wedding prep; or even a surprise birthday party! Damn!"
Just as she'd completed that statement, suddenly, almost like it was put on cue, this song came on Class 95.
And it stumped everyone into silence. Again.
He glanced at The Little Prince, his first gift from Sparks, and smiled at it.

For he knows, she is with them. As with always.